What is a Waffle Pod slab?

Waffle pod slabs are a type of concrete slab that is quick, strong, structurally sound, and a cheap way of pouring concrete slabs.

Just by eliminating the materials involved to brick up the slab from the footing, you are saving excessive time and money. You are saving bricks, mortar, and a bricklayer.

See our waffle pod slabs throughout our gallery

Why Choose City Concrete for your Waffle Pod?

Many concreters take shortcuts with the piers under the waffle pod and place them at a maximum of 1 meter deep.

City concrete excavates the piers under the waffle pod until they hit the solid ground to allow the dwelling to be structurally sound for years to come.

We make sure all piers are of the correct depth and diameter. 

Then the plumber places his plumbing requirements, the team levels the ground, forms up the slab, edges, and step-downs places the waffle pods and steel on top, and pours the concrete.

This strips the formwork the same day making it ready for the carpenter or bricklayer.

We recommend 7 days of curing 

Our team is professional and complies with Australian standards of waffle pod slabs.

Get in touch today for an obligation-free quote!

Waffle-Pod, waffle pod slabs Sydney
Waffle Pod
Waffle Pod